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Tips on How to Write a Cover Letter for a Retail Job

Your cover letter is the first impression that you make on a hiring manager, which is why it is so important to create a quality cover letter for each resume. The retail industry is competitive, so you need to use the right techniques to make your cover letter for retail jobs stand out from the many other applications and help you to get the job you want.

Donna Wright Profile
By Donna Wright 3 minute read

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Customize each cover letter

Some job hunters in the retail industry send out a significant number of resumes every day, and they use form cover letters to introduce those resumes. If you take the time to customize every cover letter for retail jobs with different specifications, then each one will get more attention. When the hiring manager sees their name in the salutation instead of a generic greeting, for example, then that will inspire them to read on further to see what else you have to say.

Build my cover letter

Use only your very best information

You’ll notice that cover letter examples for any industry are short and to-the-point. Your resume is a detailed account of your retail career and will include all of the ups and downs that you have experienced. But your retail cover letter has the luxury of being an extremely positive document that highlights only your best attributes. If you felt uncomfortable putting the awards you won in your career in your resume, then definitely include them in your cover letter. The very best information will catch the hiring manager’s eye and get your cover letter read.

Be very professional at all times

Working in the retail world can sometimes cause people to develop bad habits, especially in their grammar and speech. A customized retail cover letter that is written in a very professional tone will definitely get the attention of any hiring manager. Retail companies want to hire the very best people and your level of professionalism is in the spotlight when you use proper language and good grammar in your cover letter.

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Stay positive about competitors

Customizing your cover letter for each retail hiring manager does not mean that you should take shots at the competition. Part of being professional in your cover letter is focusing on your talents and how you can help the company to succeed. By taking time in your cover letter to bad mouth the competition, you are showing a lack off professionalism that will cost you the job.

Have your cover letter checked out

You should have someone you trust proofread your retail cover letter to look for spelling errors or bad grammar. Your proofreader can also point out areas where you may be too opinionated and any slang language that you have used. Never send out a cover letter for retail jobs that has not been read by someone else first.

No matter what retail job you’re applying for, you’ll need to keep these strategies in mind while you’re crafting your cover letter. As long as your cover letter is direct, concise and focused on the job, you’ll have a better chance at catching the eye of hiring managers and landing the job you want.

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Donna Wright Profile
WRITTEN BY Donna Wright

Donna is a career expert with extensive experience in the fields of Marketing, Publishing, Direct Mail and Communications. She’s witnessed firsthand the importance of a powerful resume and cover letter to a job search, so she takes great pride in helping change the lives of job seekers by sharing expert career advice and tips to help land the perfect job.

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