Resume and Cover Letter FAQs
Here you will find everything you need to know about how to use ResumeHelp to create professional-quality resumes and cover letters easily.
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How can we help you?
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for our support team is available 7 days a week.
What is ResumeHelp's mission?
ResumeHelp is devoted to helping you land meaningful employment with the encouragement and support of career development experts, recruiters and certified professional resume writers. The greatest advantage we provide in the job hunt is our Resume Builder that can put together a job-winning document in minutes. Additionally, between professionally-approved resume, cover letter samples and cover sheet for resume examples to a plethora of detailed career guides written by experts on every topic from polishing your resume to networking to interviewing, we have a bevy of features to set you up for success.
Is ResumeHelp's builder free?
Yes, you can begin using ResumeHelp’s builder for free. However, to download, save and create multiple versions of your document, you will need to become a subscriber, which begins at $2.90 for 14-day full access.
What do I get with Full Access?
With Full Access to ResumeHelp, you can:
- Write and design an unlimited number of attractive and industry-specific resumes.
- Easily download and print as many resumes as you’d like in PDF, .txt and .html formats.
- Save and store your resumes on ResumeHelp to easily access or edit anytime.
- Discover thousands of resumes and cover letter examples across all major industries and occupations.
- Catch spelling and other common grammatical mistakes on your resume with the easy-to-use Spell-Check.
- Join the ResumeHelp Community, where you can post a question and get feedback from professional career coaches and others who are looking for work.
What if I need more help writing my resume?
Our community members and professional career coaches can help! Sign up in two simple steps:
- Log in to your dashboard.
- Centered, underneath the “My Dashboard” header, you can choose “Search the Community” to see if your question has been answered or “Ask a Career Coach” to post a new question for our team of experts.
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