Sample Resume for a Retired Person Returning to Work
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You thought your working life was over. But as it turns out, fate had other plans for you. Here are a few tips for developing a resume for retirees that can help you get the right job for you.
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Explore our complete resume examples selection for tips and resources tailored to every career path.
1. Introduction retiree resume
You assumed that during this chapter of life, you’d be relaxing on a beach or playing with your grandchildren all day long. But sometimes plans change. You either need a paycheck, or you need something else in your life, something that endless beach time can’t provide.
As far as long-term career building goes, you may not be interested in starting over, paying your dues, climbing the ladder, etc. What you really want now is an interesting job that fits your skills, and can help you pay some bills, or allow you to contribute to your needs or community. Here are some basic tips for any retirees trying to get back to the job market.
2. Be absolutely clear
State clearly in your resume summary and the first few lines of your cover letter that you’re looking for a post-retirement position. You’ll save yourself from hassle and headaches if you’re clear about this upfront. Some jobs are perfect for retirees because they aren’t physically strenuous and can benefit from the wisdom you’ve gained from your life experience; others aren’t well-suited to those in the later stages of life.
3. Emphasize your relevant skills
State the profession or jobs you held earlier in life and draw a link between the skills you have acquired and your ability to contribute to your target employer. If you spent your career as a police officer, a teacher, a tech pro, a doctor, an RN or an account manager, stating this can help your potential employers place your skills in context.
4. Be friendly
You’ll notice that most resume examples for retirees are upbeat in tone. Of course, this is a tip that can help any job seeker at any level, but retirees gain extra points by making it clear that they’re a pleasure to have in the workplace. A friendly tone can remind your employer that wisdom and experience are an asset to any team.
Writing a resume for retirees doesn’t have to be difficult. After all, there are many jobs out there that are perfect for people with years of life experience but aren’t physically strenuous. The keys to getting these jobs are being up-front about your abilities, showcasing the skills you can use on the job, and showing that you’re ready to succeed and benefit employers.
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