How to List Publications on a Resume & Where to Put Them

Listing your publications on a resume can be hugely important. Here’s how you can make sure your publications pack the maximum punch on your resume.

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Publications on a resume

When writing a resume, it’s important that you list as much information as possible so that hiring managers want to give your application another read. If you’re in an academic field, you may have publication credits that show off your expertise and experience. Where do you put this list of publications, and how do you choose the best research and publications to include? Here’s what you need to know.

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Why you should put publications on a resume

Publications include anything you have authored that has been published. Written publications include book chapters, academic journal articles, trade association magazines, research papers, and any other piece of academia that has been formally published. In some instances, publications may also include appearances and speeches, such as if you were a keynote speaker or panelist for an event.

These publications show recruiters that you know what you’re talking about. In the realm of academia, publishing something like a journal article is the best way to show that you’re an expert in your field. Additionally, there are many different types of publications, and they can help you show off diverse skills and areas of expertise.

How to list publications on your resume

Here are your best options for listing publications on your resume:

Create a section for publications

If you have publications to include on your resume, you should create a separate section. In a professional resume, it’s typically not effective to include publications in an education section or even in the work experience section. Instead, create a specific section where you’ll list your publications

Only include publications that are relevant

Next, remember that it’s best to only include relevant publications. This may include your most recent publications or just publications that are in an industry journal connected to the job. Consider what your potential employer would be most likely to think showcases your expertise. You may want to limit your publications to around three to six highlights that you think show off your talents and knowledge most effectively.

Use publications to hit resume keywords

When you’re writing a resume, you want to make sure it’s applicant tracking system (ATS)-friendly. An ATS is an automated system that scans your resume and cover letter before it gets to an actual hiring manager. One of the elements ATS scans for is resume keywords. So if the job description notes “geriatric care” as an important area, for example, consider it to be a keyword and see if you have a publication that addresses this topic. These keywords can appear in the subject matter and even the title of the article.

Include all necessary information

Lastly, include all the information that is necessary to ensure that the hiring manager can find your publication. Here are a few pieces of information that you might need to include:

  • Title of article/Name of the journal
  • Volume number/Issue number
  • Publication date/Year of publication
  • Page numbers of your article
  • All author names, including co-authors
  • Short description of the article

If in doubt, use MLA or APA style. You can use ResumeHelp’s resume builder to help guide as you write your resume and include your publications.

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Important points to remember when listing publications

Remember that you should always emphasize publications that are relevant to the job. Typically, you’ll want to list them in reverse-chronological order. A recruiter typically wants to know that you’re working right now in the field, and listing your most recent publications first helps you do that.

Additionally, check to see whether APA or MLA style is most applicable for your resume. If the job application mentions one or the other, use that one. Some industries may also lean toward one or the other. For example, the psychiatric field typically uses the APA style and the humanities fields often uses the MLA style.

Lastly, remember to highlight your publications throughout your application. You should mention important publications in your resume summary or resume objective, and your cover letter. That way, even an easy scan of your resume showcases that you know what you’re talking about.

Curious about how to do a resume the right way? Here’s a step-by-step guide.

FAQ: Listing Publications on a Resume

Have questions? We’re here to help.

You will typically want to list at least three publications if you have a publications section. However, if you have specific industry journal publications that are extremely groundbreaking or interesting, you may have even just two. Unless the application is asking for an extensive history of your publications, you’ll typically want to cap your list of publications at six maximum.

If you have authored a piece that hasn’t been published yet, you may still list it on your resume. Use “(In press)” or “(Submitted for publication)” to acknowledge that while the article is written, it hasn’t been actually published yet. In your job interview, you can talk more about what your article is about and what research you’ve done for it.

If you did original research in order to write your publications, you can create a section called “Research” where you include this information. This will be mostly utilized in academic resumes, as most other resume formats will not require this type of in-depth knowledge about your work. Only include research sections if you feel like it actively helps with your application.

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Donna Profile

Donna is a career expert with extensive experience in the fields of Marketing, Publishing, Direct Mail and Communications. She’s witnessed firsthand the importance of a powerful resume and cover letter to a job search, so she takes great pride in helping change the lives of job seekers by sharing expert career advice and tips to help land the perfect job.

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